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Shelley and Bashore Islands Compliance Resources


All Limited Licenses for Property Access expired on August 26, 2018. YHPC is moving forward with demolition activities in accordance with the Compliance Agreement.


YHPC Compliance Agreement
YHPC Lot License Deposit Return Checklist
2018 Island Lot Access - Limited License

Please return signed Limited Licenses to Beth Fetzner at YHPC, P.O. Box 67, York Haven, PA 17370

Barge Days

The last barge day is scheduled for Saturday, August 25, 2018. Goldsboro Barge Service will be making trips to Shelley and Bashore Islands, so long as there is demand.

Additionally, a trash container has been placed on Shelley Island for your convenience. No hazardous materials are to be placed in the container - only demo debris and other trash. We appreciate your cooperation.


Q: May I spend the night in, or otherwise use, any of the buildings on Shelley and Bashore Islands?
A: No. The Compliance Agreement between York Haven Power and Londonderry Township does not permit any use of the former residences now that all lot license agreements have been terminated.

Q: May I camp on the Islands?
A: At this time, no. We have asked the Township to consider permitting camping. They are currently considering this request with FEMA.

Q: Can I recover the deposit I paid York Haven in connection with my former lot license agreement?
A: Yes, but you must complete the removal and/or demolition of your former residence and satisfy all other requirements in your Lot License Agreement. The demolition checklist saved under the “Resources” section of YorkHavenPower.com summarizes these requirements.

Q: Will barge service be available to aid the removal of property from the Islands?
A: Yes. Check in regularly at YorkHavenPower.com for the latest schedule of weekend barge days.

Q: When am I permitted to be on the Islands to demolish structures and remove property?
A: With written authorization from York Haven Power Company, between April 1, 2018, and July 31, 2018. You must FIRST complete, sign and submit the 2018 Island Lot Access Limited License that can be found under the “Resources” section of YorkHavenPower.com in order to obtain written authorization.

Q: Is there a plan to reopen the Islands for use in the future?
A: York Haven continues to work cooperatively with the River Island Conservancy (RIC), the Lake Frederick Homeowners Association, and other interested stakeholders to explore options for future recreational use of the islands.

Q: May I make day trips to the Islands?
A: York Haven maintains a public recreation site on Shelley Island. The Shelley Island Recreation Area is located on the northeast end of Shelley Island and is accessible only by boat. The area provides access to a walking trail (approximately 2.5 miles) with a seasonally maintained clearing adjacent to a boat dock. The dock is in place and is available April through November each year (“recreation season”). In accordance with the FERC-approved York Haven Project Recreation Plan, this site will remain open during the recreation season. This recreation site is for day-use only. Regarding the historical recreational lot license program on Shelley Island, all recreational lot licenses have been terminated and overnight recreational use is currently not permitted on the island.